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Journal Policies

Journal policies

Aging and Disease' editorial, publishing and peer review policies help us maintain the highest standards for which we are known and respected.

Editorial and publishing policies

AD upholds strict editorial and publishing policies to ensure the quality, integrity, and transparency of the content it publishes. The following guidelines outline the key aspects of AD's editorial and publishing policies:

  1. Peer Review Process: a. All manuscripts submitted to AD undergo a rigorous peer review process by experts in the field to ensure scientific rigor, accuracy, and relevance. b. Reviewers provide constructive feedback to authors and make recommendations regarding the acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript.
  2. Editorial Independence: a. Editorial decisions are made independently by the editorial team based on the scientific merit and significance of the research presented in the manuscripts. b. Decisions are not influenced by commercial interests, personal relationships, or any external factors unrelated to the scientific content.
  3. Authorship and Acknowledgments: a. Authorship should be based on substantial contributions to the conception, design, analysis, interpretation of data, and drafting of the manuscript. b. All individuals who have made significant contributions but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged appropriately. c. Any conflicts of interest or funding sources relevant to the study must be disclosed.
  4. Plagiarism and Ethical Standards: a. AD has a strict policy against plagiarism, duplicate publication, and research misconduct. b. Submitted manuscripts are screened for potential plagiarism using advanced plagiarism detection tools. c. Authors are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards and ensure the accuracy, originality, and integrity of their work.
  5. Corrections, Retractions, and Expressions of Concern: a. AD is committed to promptly correcting any errors or inaccuracies identified in published articles. b. Corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern may be issued when necessary, following established guidelines and best practices.
  6. Data Availability and Reproducibility: a. Authors are encouraged to make the data underlying their findings available and accessible to readers whenever possible. b. Reproducibility and transparency in research methodology are highly valued by AD.
  7. Open Access and Licensing: a. AD is open access publishing to promote the widespread dissemination of research findings. b.  Articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited.
  8. Copyright and Permissions: a. Authors retain the copyright of their published work, granting AD a non-exclusive license to publish the article. b. Proper attribution and citation of previously published work are essential, and authors are responsible for obtaining necessary permissions.
  9. Editorial Board and Conflict of Interest: a. AD's Editorial Board members are selected based on their expertise, experience, and commitment to advancing research in the field of aging and disease. b. Editorial Board members are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from editorial decisions when conflicts arise.
  10. Editorial Integrity and Quality Control: a. AD is committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity and quality control. b. The editorial team reviews all published content to ensure accuracy, clarity, and adherence to AD's editorial policies.

These editorial and publishing policies are regularly reviewed and updated to align with emerging best practices and ethical standards in scientific publishing. By adhering to these policies, AD aims to provide a trusted platform for high-quality research in the field of aging and disease and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Peer review policies

We have rigorous policies to govern every stage and aspect of our peer review process, from initial submission through to revisions, decisions and appeals.

To find out more, please visit our peer review policies page.

Conflict of Interest Policies

Aging and Disease (AD) adheres to a strict Conflict of Interest policy to ensure the integrity and credibility of published research. This policy applies to all authors, reviewers, and editors involved in the publication process.

  1. Authors' Conflict of Interest: a. Authors are required to disclose any financial, professional, or personal relationships that could potentially influence their research or the interpretation of their findings. b. These relationships include but are not limited to employment, consultancies, honoraria, ownership interests, patent applications, and funding sources related to research. c. Authors must provide a comprehensive statement of disclosure in their manuscript, indicating any conflicts of interest or declaring no conflicts, to maintain transparency.
  2. Reviewers' and Editors' Conflict of Interest: a. Reviewers and editors involved in the peer review process must disclose any conflicts of interest that could compromise their objectivity. b. Reviewers or editors who have a personal, financial, or professional relationship with the authors should decline the invitation to review or handle the manuscript. c. In cases where a reviewer or editor becomes aware of a conflict of interest during the review process, they should promptly notify the editorial office.
  3. Handling of Conflicts of Interest: a. The editorial office will review all disclosed conflicts of interest and take appropriate actions to ensure the integrity of the publication process. b. If conflicts of interest are identified, the editorial office may consider alternative reviewers or editors to evaluate the manuscript. c. In cases where the conflicts of interest are deemed significant, the editorial office reserves the right to reject the manuscript or request revision and additional disclosures.
  4. Transparency: a. AD will include a Conflict of Interest statement alongside each published article, providing readers with complete information regarding potential conflicts. b. The Conflict of Interest statement will indicate whether any conflicts of interest were disclosed by the authors, reviewers, or editors involved in the publication.

By adhering to this Conflict of Interest policy, AD ensures the highest ethical standards in scientific publishing and upholds the integrity of the research presented.

Human and Animal Rights

AD is committed to upholding ethical standards and promoting the protection of human and animal rights in research. Authors, reviewers, and editors involved in the publication process are expected to comply with the following guidelines:

  1. Human Rights: a. Authors must ensure that all research involving human participants has been conducted in accordance with relevant national and international guidelines and regulations. b. Authors should provide clear descriptions of the ethical considerations and procedures followed, including obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring confidentiality, and protecting the rights and welfare of vulnerable populations. c. Informed consent should be obtained from human participants, and any potential risks or benefits should be clearly communicated.
  2. Animal Rights: a. Authors should adhere to internationally recognized guidelines for the care and use of animals in research, such as the principles outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. b. The study involving animals must have received approval from an appropriate institutional ethics committee or review board. c. Authors should provide detailed information regarding the methods used to minimize animal suffering, including appropriate anesthesia and analgesia, as well as efforts to reduce the number of animals used.
  3. Reporting Ethical Compliance: a. Authors must clearly state in their manuscript that the research was conducted in accordance with ethical guidelines and provide relevant details of the ethical approval obtained. b. In cases where ethical approval was not required, authors should clearly explain the reasons for exemption.
  4. Confidentiality and Privacy: a. Authors should respect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals involved in the research and ensure that any personal information or identifying details are appropriately anonymized or removed. b. Any photographs or images of individuals should be accompanied by written permission for their use and publication.
  5. Compliance with Regulations: a. Authors should comply with all relevant laws and regulations governing research involving human subjects and animals, as well as any institutional or national guidelines.

The AD editorial team reserves the right to assess the ethical compliance of submitted manuscripts and may request additional information or clarification from authors. Non-compliance with ethical guidelines may result in rejection of the manuscript.

By adhering to this Human and Animal Rights policy, AD aims to promote ethical research practices, protect the rights of participants, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of aging and disease while ensuring the well-being of humans and animals involved in the research process.

Informed Consent Policies

Patient privacy is crucial and should never be violated without informed consent. Personal details should not be disclosed unless essential for scientific purposes with explicit written consent. Identifiable patients should review the manuscript before publication. Authors must inform patients about potential online and print availability. Written consent should be obtained, following regulations, and nonessential identifying details should be omitted. Informed consent is necessary when anonymity is uncertain. Alterations to protect identity must not distort scientific meaning. Publication should indicate when informed consent is obtained.

Advertising policy

AD maintains an advertising policy to ensure the integrity, independence, and transparency of the journal's content. The following guidelines apply to all advertisements featured in AD:

  1. Editorial Independence: a. Advertising content must not influence the editorial decisions or compromise the scientific integrity of AD. b. The acceptance of advertisements does not imply endorsement or support of the advertised product or service by AD or its affiliated institutions.
  2. Relevance and Appropriateness: a. Advertisements should be relevant to the scope and interests of AD's readership, which primarily focuses on aging and disease research and related topics. b. Advertisements should be appropriate for a professional, scientific audience and should not contain misleading, false, or offensive content.
  3. Separation from Editorial Content: a. Advertisements should be clearly distinguishable from editorial content to avoid confusion. b. Advertising placements should be visually separated or clearly labeled as 'Advertisement' or 'Ad' to ensure transparency.
  4. Scientific Claims and Accuracy: a. Advertisements should provide accurate and verifiable information about products or services being promoted. b. Scientific claims made in advertisements should be supported by appropriate evidence and adhere to ethical and regulatory standards.
  5. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest: a. Advertisers must disclose any conflicts of interest related to the advertised product or service. b. AD reserves the right to request additional information regarding conflicts of interest from advertisers if deemed necessary.
  6. Review and Approval: a. All advertisements are subject to review and approval by the AD editorial team. b. AD reserves the right to reject or remove advertisements that are deemed inconsistent with the advertising policy or that may negatively impact the journal's reputation.
  7. Placement and Design: a. The placement of advertisements within the journal will be determined by AD in a manner that ensures clarity, visibility, and appropriate context. b. Advertisements should adhere to any specified design specifications and file formats provided by AD.

The AD editorial team regularly monitors advertisements to ensure ongoing compliance with the advertising policy. If any concerns or complaints arise regarding an advertisement, AD encourages readers and stakeholders to contact the editorial office for prompt review and appropriate action.

The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern

AD follows a well-defined process for handling cases that require corrections, retractions, or editorial expressions of concern. The objective is to maintain the integrity of the published content and promptly address any issues identified. The following guidelines outline the process:

  1. Identification of Concerns: a. Concerns about published articles may be raised by readers, authors, reviewers, or other stakeholders. b. Concerns may include, but are not limited to, errors, omissions, plagiarism, research misconduct, or ethical violations.
  2. Preliminary Investigation: a. The editorial team reviews the nature and seriousness of the concerns raised. b. If the concerns are deemed substantial, an investigation is initiated.
  3. Consultation: a. The editor-in-chief may consult with relevant experts, authors, reviewers, or the editorial board to gather additional insights and perspectives. b. The investigation may involve seeking input from the authors involved in the published work.
  4. Decision-Making: a. Based on the findings of the investigation and consultations, the editor-in-chief makes a decision regarding the appropriate course of action. b. Possible outcomes include corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or no action, depending on the nature and severity of the identified issues.
  5. Corrections: a. Minor errors or inaccuracies in published articles may be addressed through a correction notice. b. Corrections should clearly identify the errors and provide accurate information to rectify the published record.
  6. Retractions: a. In cases of serious ethical violations, research misconduct, or irreproducibility, retractions may be necessary. b. Retraction notices should provide a clear and concise explanation of the reasons for retraction, ensuring transparency and maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record.
  7. Editorial Expressions of Concern: a. In situations where there are concerns about the integrity or reliability of published work but further investigation is required, an editorial expression of concern may be issued. b. Editorial expressions of concern inform readers about the ongoing investigation and highlight the need for caution when interpreting the published findings.
  8. Communication and Transparency: a. The decisions regarding corrections, retractions, or editorial expressions of concern are communicated to the authors, readers, and relevant stakeholders. b. The concerns raised, investigations conducted, and outcomes are documented to ensure transparency and accountability.
  9. Post-Publication Updates: a. Once corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern are published, they are clearly linked to the original article to provide readers with the updated information.

Pubdate:2021-09-14 Viewed: 11207